If you don’t meet PAYG withholding obligations for your workers, by not withholding tax from their payments and not …
[Read more...] about Report PAYGW Correctly to Claim Tax Deductions
beyond the numbers
If you don’t meet PAYG withholding obligations for your workers, by not withholding tax from their payments and not …
[Read more...] about Report PAYGW Correctly to Claim Tax Deductions
Did you know that government agencies use Australian Business Number (ABN) details to identify individuals and …
[Read more...] about Update Your ABN Details to Ensure Notifications in an Emergency
Your brand is an integral part of what makes your business unique. So, keeping your brand style consistent across all …
Good reviews are gold for your business. You can spend all day telling people how wonderful and great your product or …
[Read more...] about Using Testimonials and Case Studies to Transform Your Business
As businesses emerge from Covid-19 restrictions, for many ‘Business as Usual’ has become ‘Business Unusual’. So, how do …
Most of us aim for work-life balance, but it can be a tricky thing to do when everything gets busy. Here are a few tips …
Keeping track of your inventory, the time it takes to sell and the profit made on each product is essential if you want …
[Read more...] about What Is Inventory Accounting? – and Why It’s Important
ATO audits can happen any time to a business, but now with JobKeeper, early release of super and COVID-19 cashflow boost …
[Read more...] about What to Expect From ATO Risk Reviews and Audits
Xero offers your business a simple, yet powerful, way to manage all your finances in the cloud. With Xero as your …
[Read more...] about Why Use Xero? The Benefits of Cloud Accounting
Shuriken is at the forefront of accountancy, providing clients with a broad range of services, coaching and mentoring.
Contact Shuriken if you want to launch or grow a business or if you want to get a clear action plan on how to achieve your financial goals. We can help with benchmarking, cashflow forecasting, payroll and much more.
Sydney CBD
T: 1300 886 066 or (02) 9114 8544
T: (02) 9485 3400
T: (02) 9651 2288