When’s the best time to start thinking about your retirement savings? In your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s?
We’re not expecting a “by the book” answer, as you most likely have other financial worries to deal with at this very moment.
However, saving for your ideal future retirement should be a priority. Why? When you determine how much money you’ll need to retire, you can do away with all the financial anxieties that come along with this time in life.
Let’s take a look at some of the most important steps to figure out how much money you’ll need in retirement and how you can save your way there:
Calculate retirement expenses
To figure out exactly what it will take to retire in comfort, it’s wise to include all future costs in your projected retirement income need. Meaning, if you can identify how much retirement will cost you on a monthly basis, plus an estimate of extra expenses, you won’t need to save quite as much.
If you want to discover how to build your wealth starting from where you are, you can also take a look at this article: Learn How To Build Your Wealth From Frugal Millionaires
So how much retirement savings do you need? Start with these basic estimates:
- housing costs
- average monthly utilities
- healthcare
- food
- transportation
- entertainment
- cash savings
It will be important for you to think about what kind of life you want to lead in your golden years. Take into account additional expenses such as: home repairs, annual insurance premiums, impact of inflation, post-mortem obligations and length of your retirement.
Try to figure out how much retirement income you will have from guaranteed sources. That includes income essentials like pensions, Social Security and monthly annuity payments.
Tip: The important thing is to figure out how much retirement income you will have from guaranteed sources.
[ctt template=”7″ link=”UrMcg” via=”no” ]Tip: The important thing is to figure out how much retirement income you will have from guaranteed sources.[/ctt]
Start where you are, with what you have…
Theodore Roosevelt used to say… “do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” I couldn’t agree more. Whether you plan to live lavishly or frugally, determining your current financial state will get you one step closer to the kind of retirement lifestyle you desire.
Here are three questions to help you start where you are:
- How much have I saved so far?
- At what age do I plan to retire?
- What’s my annual income?
One thing’s for sure: you’ll need to have a certain amount of money saved by the time you retire. Whether you are on the right path or not, you can determine how much work you have to do to reach your financial goals, starting now.
Tip: The best you can do is develop a solid retirement plan based on the information you have at the moment.
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A financial planner for your retirement savings
Figuring out what you’ll need to retire may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. You can always rely on advisors to make better financial projection for your future.
A professional will take into account a huge number of factors and break down that big chunk of wealth into manageable and achievable pieces.
Do you need help in planning your financial future?
We can help you estimate how much retirement savings you’ll need and come up with a solid retirement plan for you. Let’s go through this process together. Get in touch below!