What is a business culture? How does it impact your company?
Having an amazing business, fabulous products and incredible clients is great. But having awesome staff makes all the difference in the world for your business.
In today’s 2 Minute Accountant episode, find out why building an engaging business culture is the best thing for your company.
What is a business culture and why you need it?
A company culture is a business’ personality. It’s what makes a team consistent. A good culture tells people, “This is how we do things around here.”
Why is company culture a must-have?
It gives your employees a sense of being part of the team, it unifies your company. In other words, it’s the emotional glue that holds your business together and keeps your clients and employees engaged.
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Make sure to build a good culture
Back in the 90’s, there was this company called the Sausage Software.
Do you remember it?
They were making millions back then. What was their company’s culture? Drinking every day or every Friday afternoon… and delivering on their products.
That’s a company culture. But is it a good culture?
Here’s a good question to help you determine whether your business culture is good or bad: Would you do business with a company that has a culture like yours?
How do you build a good business culture?
First, your company needs a strong foundation. Ask yourself:
- What do we stand for?
- What does the company stand for?
- What do I as an individual stand for?
If you can translate the answers to these questions into your company’s culture, then you can move forward.
Let’s take a look at the culture at Shuriken Consulting, for example. We call it The 5 Things – PITCH:
- PARTNERSHIP: we partner with our clients
- INTEGRITY: we say what we do, we do what we say
- THINKING: we think before we do
- CONTINUOUS LEARNING: every employee at Shuriken is required to do 2 hours of training every week
- HIGH EXPECTATIONS: we have high expectations of both ourselves and our clients
Practical Tip: Think about how your business can build a company culture that engages its staff and clients and keeps them loyal in the long run.
[ctt template=”7″ link=”JP5mE” via=”no” ]Think about how your business can build a company culture that engages its staff and clients and keeps them loyal.[/ctt]
At the end of the day, your staff is the one adding the most value to your business.
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Build your business culture now!
I can help you pinpoint the personalised ways to build an engaging company culture that will get your business on the right track.
So, whether you have questions about business management, a company set up, business structure or registration, I am here to help you. Let’s get in touch now.