This is a question you need to ask yourself every once in awhile.
When you have a personal blog or you manage the content for your company’s website, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, rewriting the same type of blog posts over and over.
I get it. Coming up with original topics and engaging content on a regular basis can be a challenge.
This is why I’m going to give you some tips on how to evaluate and plan a makeover on your blog posts. It sounds more time consuming than it really is, trust me.
Everybody stop! Evaluation time
Assess your company’s position. Start with these questions:
- What are the goals for your blog?
- How many of your goals have you achieved by now?
I want to make things easier for you, so let’s take a look at some of the goals you could have for your blog. My suggestions might inspire you.
Are these your goals?
- Engage with a specific audience
- Connect with top influencers in your field, and potentially increase the number of your followers
- Relate and connect with your audience on a deeper level to stimulate their loyalty
- Prompt your audience to convert, either to try out your services or buy your products
- Establish authority and rank your blog or website higher in search engines
Take a moment to identify your goals. Then think about how much you’ve managed to accomplish so far.
What makes a blog post successful?
There are four elements every engaging blog post has:
- Helps readers with a dilemma. For example, answers a pressing question nobody else could or brings a new perspective on a subject
- Offers the perfect combination of knowledge and entertainment
- Provides quality content readers can’t help but share
- Creates a brand story or a positive association for your brand
Aim to include at least two of these four essential elements of success in your blog posts.
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Are you ready for a blog makeover…?
1. Use your uniqueness to your own advantage
What makes you stand out from the crowd? Define your USP (unique selling point) and play your cards on that.
Identify a frequently asked question in your niche and offering a great (read: useful) answer.
There are a few ways to discover your readers’ pressing questions:
- Keyword research
- Survey your readers
- From conversations, emails or meetings with your readers
Every blog is unique. Which means yours is also unique.
What should this “uniqueness” look like?
It can take the form of easy access to a specific type of data that you cannot find anywhere else. Say, for example, an extensive research or real-life stories.
Use your creativity in crafting your blog posts while focusing on answering that question your readers have been wondering for so long.
Now’s your time to shine!
2. Vulnerability is a gem
Sharing valuable insight from your personal experiences in your blog posts can create the emotional reaction your reader needs to connect with your brand.
How do you determine which personal experiences are worth sharing?
Identify your passion and start from there.
Use your writing skills to create a compelling story or an emotional conversation with your readers.
Once your readers feel you’re authentic, they will relate to your brand. Trust will follow shortly.
Isn’t this a great way to humanise your brand…?
3. The latest news can help create your momentum
Make sure you’re up to date with the “hot” topics in your field.
Once you spot a “hot” topic on social media, you may have something to add to the discussion (whether you agree or disagree with the topic idea).
The secret to this method is you can get instant access to a much bigger audience with so much as a simple opinion.
Try it!
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4. Keyword research and topic connections
You can always go conventional with some good ol’ keyword research.
The Google AdWords Keyword Planner can give you some valuable information on your readers’ most searched keywords. Based on those keywords, you can get an idea of what your audience is most interested in.
But you can go even further…
Think about potential related topics or topics that might overlap with the ones you’ve already identified. This should give you plenty of new topic ideas for your upcoming blog posts.
You have everything you need. Why not start your blog makeover now?
I can help you find your social media momentum and create an inviting and engaging environment on your blog, website and all your social media platforms.
This can increase your online business’ organic reach and get your brand the online presence it deserves. Let’s get in touch today and start a conversation about building your business through digital marketing: